Why should you avoid moving companies that use day laborers?

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There are a few things to consider when you are moving. You need to know what exactly you have to pay attention to, beware of moving scams or watch out who are you letting inside your home. Moving is hard work and usually, it causes a lot of stress. Planning your relocation is complicated, especially if you are moving long-distance or moving your office. With all that on your mind, you also have to choose a reliable moving company. See how to accomplish that and learn why you should avoid moving companies that use day laborers. It is a big difference and you need to know why exactly that is a risk for you.

Hiring movers or do it yourself?


Almost every residential move starts with this question. We try to plan a move and a budget the best way we know-how. When you have just a few items to move, you usually go with option number two. This is fine for people who don’t have large furniture or too many things to relocate. You can pack up your car and go. 

Man lifting heavy box
If you do not have too much stuff, you can move everything on your own.

Moving industry today is very large and it offers so many different options. When you decide to hire movers, there is much more than just a price that you have to consider. Everything has to align, including moving date and time, price, good reviews of the company you want to hire. This is always very stressful, so don’t rush it when you are hiring movers. You need to avoid moving companies that use day laborers. There are a few important reasons to do so. 

Avoid moving companies that use day laborers because you want to have the best service you can get. Especially if you need a packing service or some type of storage solutions. Experienced movers will help you a lot and moving will be a piece of cake.

Emergency moving, for example, requires experience and efficiency. In this situation, the right moving company is an excellent choice. It doesn’t have to be pricey. Depending on the size of your move, that is of your belongings, proximity and the service package you are willing to pay – the price can vary. Don’t hire moving companies that use day laborers because they don’t usually have enough time to train or even thoroughly check their workers.

Insurance and liability

The biggest reason to avoid moving companies that use day laborers is moving the company’s insurance policies. There is a risk that day laborers may not have insurance. Accidents happen all the time, somebody could slip or fall and injure both themselves and your belongings. In case they don’t have insurance policy they could sue you for example, if they suffered any injuries.

hand injury that is mostly common is a risk if you don't avoid moving companies that use day laborers
Hand injuries are common when you are loading heavy furniture.

Beware and avoid moving companies that use day laborers so you are not in the risk. You are not even sure if they will replace or pay for the damage if they break something in the process. Even if a moving company offers liability for everything damaged, surely you want to avoid moving companies that use day laborers and not risk damage to your belongings.


Avoid moving companies that use day laborers that have no necessary experience


Day laborers are usually hired last minute or they change them often, so they don’t have experience in moving. When you are moving your office or some bulky furniture it is important to have experienced movers who know how exactly to transport your belongings. Particularly in case, you have valuables or fragile items. Surely you wouldn’t let anybody to carry something that is precious to you and risk damaging it. avoid moving companies that use day laborers and hire a moving company that is good and reliable to minimize stress. Make sure to check your moving company before you hire them and always hire a good moving company, for example, Clinton moving company in order to have the right kind of experience.

Another thing that people complain about is efficiency and speed. Moving companies that use day laborers are often slower than professionals. Because they don’t move very often they are not quite as fast and efficient as professional movers.

Lack of training

It is not always easy to transport equipment, especially bulky or sensitive one. Moving companies train their employees to carry or use their specialized equipment for moving. Avoid moving companies that use day laborers because often they don’t know how to use every piece of moving equipment and again put your belongings at risk. Let’s say you want to transport a pool table or a piano, it requires specialty and expertise. Movers should not only have special equipment but also know-how while using it. This is one of the cases where you need to avoid moving companies that use day laborers. You want experienced piano movers Manhattan so you feel a little less stress in the moving day.

Well trained moving company workers know to use in the right way, every piece of equipment

It is the same in case you have furniture you need to disassemble so it can be transported. Some of those tasks demand workers with expertise. 

Client relations

A moving company that cares about their reputation will always hire quality workers and professionals. Avoid moving companies that use day laborers because it does not ensure you the best quality service and client relations. Day laborers often don’t care for the company’s reputation because day won’t be there long. Therefore you probably won’t have great service like you would from a professional worker. Anybody who works in some company long and wants to keep his job, he will try to do its best so a client is satisfied. Everything that is good for a company is also good for its employees. 

The main priority for hiring a moving company has to be relieving yourself from stress. Avoid moving companies that use day laborers precisely because of the risk that something isn’t going according to a plan. 


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