Creative ideas for decorating your new home

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The moving process is finally over, and you can’t wait to start implementing ideas for decorating the new home that you’re considering. However, it will take more than a splash of color or rearranging your pillows to make your new place feel like a home. There are some things to be done right after the move, but these tips can help you to stay focused and decorate your new home as you have envisioned it.

Before you start searching ideas for decorating your new home, get a full grasp about the size of your home

If you’re relocating to some of Manhattan neighborhoods or downtown of any city, the chances are that your new home will probably be smaller than your current one. The main reason for that will surely be the price since living in the center of happening does come at a higher price tag.
So you have to take the size into consideration before you start exploring the creative ideas for decorating your new home.

Measuring your furniture and the room capacity can save you a lot of hassle. Nothing is worse than realizing that your couch is too big for your living room after the relocation is complete. Same goes for all pieces of bulky furniture. Oversized item will crump up your place and make it look smaller than it actually is. If it can even fit in the room.

Tackle the bigger projects

It is an unwritten rule that you should unpack your belongings as soon as they arrive at your new home. Every good movers in Manhattan NY will give you that advice.
While that should certainly be one of your priorities, it is best to wait a while if you have some bigger upcoming decorating projects.
That doesn’t imply big reconstruction projects only, but for the real ones regarding decoration. Like painting walls or changing the lightning.

It will be much easier and less messy to refresh your walls with fresh paint if your things are still in moving boxes. There will be fewer obstacles to trip on and fewer things to protect.
Ideally, it will be best to finish this project before your boxes even arrive, but in most cases that isn’t an option. So the next best thing will be to hold on with unpacking boxes until the paint dries out.

Painting brush
Painting your walls will be so much easier when your boxes are unpacked.

Speaking of colors…

One of the best ideas for decorating your new home is to use colors to brighten the space. White walls are boring, and if you want your home to have a signature piece, turn the walls as your canvas.
The time of the pale colors has passed and good riddance to it. The bright colors are in style and we welcome them with open arms.
Here are some ideas for the color of your walls which are very trendy right now:

  • Light green – The bright green is energizing and fill every space with positive vibes. It is suitable even for the smallest living spaces since it doesn’t visually shrinking it, as some colors do. This color goes perfectly with the white, beige and maroon furniture. However, the bolder ones should consider combining it with red. This contrast looks amazing, even if it doesn’t seem that way. Also, it is a great way to make your home more welcoming since this color has that effect.
  • Dark blue – Painting the entire wall in this color will darken the room. On the other hand, big stripes or beams painted in this shade will really be effective. Especially if the rest of the wall is yellow for example.
  • Passionate red – Surely, the red room doesn’t have the good ring to it. As it shouldn’t be since it is the color of love, passion, but also anger. On the other hand, painting just one wall in the room with bright red will make a bold statement and show that you have fire in you. Putting white frames will make a stunning visual effect.
Contrast colors tiles
Combining contrast colors is the great way to make your walls pop.

Furniture creative ideas for decorating your new home

The furniture centerpieces should be classic in style, neutral in color and as modular as possible. Of course, in order to make your NYC home appear bigger, it should be just the right size.
This kind of furniture pays off because it never goes out of style. Adding personal details like colorful cushions or interesting overlay can make it modern and stylish.

The great thing about furniture these days is that it comes in pieces. Keep your eye on the sofas or sectionals that can be separated into smaller pieces or can be expanded into large ones as needed. That even gives you the liberty to stack it as you please and create a new piece every day.

Here are some tips to make your furniture into creative artwork:

  • Paint the furniture legs in different colors – Unless the legs are metal, you can make your furniture pop by simply adding a bit of color to it. If you know and like to pain, make a miniature picture. It will make your piece truly one of a kind.
  • Multipractic tabouret – Space is something that most New York apartments lack off. Thinking of the new creative ideas for decorating your new home are usually revolve around creating extra storage space. That’s where tabouret that doubles as a big box come to the scene. It is providing the setting space while hiding your things underneath the removable lid. They come in many designs and patterns, so they can really refresh the layout of your home.
  • Get photo cushions – Nothing brightness the mode than the scenery presenting the sunset over a beach or the stunning view from the peak of the mountain. Now it can be right by your side – on your sofa. Modern technology allows us to print any photo on the various materials. That can transform your sofa cushions into very interesting objects with wow factor.

DIY ideas for decorating your new home

If your budget is on the low side, but you want to decorate your home in style, the cheap ideas are just a click away. On Pinterest for example, you can find thousands of crafts that you can make on your own, with minimum investments.

Even if you’re not very handy, there are some very creative ideas for decorating your new home. There are so many of them in fact, so you have to be sure what you’re looking for. Whatever you do, listen to your gut and don’t follow the trends you don’t like just because they are “in”. Tomorrow they’ll be “out” and you will be stacked with the decoration you don’t like.

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