Moving into a high-rise apartment

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Moving into a new building can be difficult for many people. Moving from your own home to a high rise building can be a big change. Moving into a high-rise apartment can be stressful and time-consuming. The high-rise apartments have building management that may require new tenants to follow specific procedures when moving in. Most of the newcomers aren’t aware of the procedures when moving into a high-rise apartment. Keep reading and find out more about the entire moving in process. Follow the tips from professional movers in NYC and make the moving process easy and simple for you and your family.

Prepare for your move into a high rise apartment

When moving from a house, a large apartment into a smaller one, high rise apartment, you should try to move only essential items. Minimizing before the move may be the best way to prepare for your new smaller residence. To move with ease considering the size of your new space. You can sort through your belongings and divide them into piles. One pile is for the items you wish to sell, other is to donate to charity. You can even save some money on your moe if you sell the items you no longer need.

Calculate your expenses

Moving into a high-rise apartment comes with many changes and regulations. That is why before choosing the apartment to rent, make sure you know your budget. Calculating your future costs of living is the first and the most important step. You may be surprised but many people don’t plan their relocation in detail, don’t know their upcoming expenses. That is why they end up with large bills that are difficult to cover.

When you decide to relocate to your new high rise residence make sure you know your future costs. Professionals advise that you ask your future landlords to show you the utility bills from the year before. That is how you can be certain you are making the right decision. While moving into a high rise apartment, consider all the additional expenses you may have. That way you won’t be surprised when you receive your first monthly bill.

dog sitting on a pilow
Check if your future apartment building allows pets.

Before moving into a high-rise apartment

Before you move into your new high-rise apartment, make sure you prepare as best as you can. Planning is the key to a successful relocation. If you make a good plan in advance and stick to it, you will ensure a smooth relocation.

Visit your new apartment before you move in

After you know your finances and calculate your moving costs, make sure you see your future apartment. First of all, you have to make sure your apartment building is safe and secure for you and your family. It is always a good idea to ask your landlord to explain the details of the building itself. You should be aware of the safety measures in your home. Everyone will choose the high rise building with the perfect living areas and the best living conditions. But the security should be the priority number one. Moving into a high rise apartment should imply a good security system.

Check the security before moving into a high-rise apartment

Before you move in check if the building is well lighted and at a populated location. That way it will scare away potential burglars. Also, make sure to check the current fire alarm system and fire extinguishing joints. Those important safety measures should be in place and in a working condition. Another important safety feature is the fire staircases. You should inspect them before you move in and make sure they are not too slippery to a small child.  The best way to know the real security situation in the building is to contact the people living in that area. Make sure to ask them about the security situation in your future high rise apartment building. In case your future neighbors aren’t satisfied with the overall security of the building or the area itself, rethink your options and choose wisely.

door security lock is important when moving into a high-rise apartment
Check the security measures before you move into your new high-rise apartment.

Know the rules of the high-rise buildings

Some rules of high-rise apartment buildings may be confusing. Before you move in you must check everything in detail. You wouldn’t want to come in with your movers and not be able to use the elevator. You should discuss the details with your landlord regarding:

  • Your pet
  • Reserving the elevator
  • Children and noise
  • Your parking space

Mesure your new space for safe relocation

When moving into a high-rise apartment, make sure that your new space can accommodate your furniture. You need to make sure that those bulky furniture pieces can fit through the doors and hallways. Professional NYC movers will advise that you measure your doors. If you do you will know which furniture can fit through your doors and which bulky items you may have to disassemble before the move. Planning your move may also include checking each room in your new home. After you do, you will have a clear picture of the space itself and the future placement of your furniture pieces and utensils will go. If you note down everything you will be able to tell your movers where everything goes in advance. That way you will save time and money during your NYC relocation.

measuring tape
Make sure to measure your doors before you pack your bulky furniture.

Reserve the elevator for the moving day

High rise buildings have various policies. To avoid trouble while moving in, make sure to contact your landlord and ask about specifics. The are numerous rules regarding the time, date of the move etc. If you fail to follow those specific rules, you may have to pay a heavy fine. To avoid trouble while moving, make contact your movers and your landlord and make sure to:

  • Ensure your parking capacity or the moving day – You are required to make the parking reservations beforehand.
  • Reserve the elevators – In most cases, you have to reserve the big elevator before the moving day.
  • Get the information to your landlord – Sometimes while moving into a high-rise apartment you may reserve the specialized parking space or the loading dock for your mover’s company truck. Your building may also have luggage carts that help to move your belongings more efficiently.

Hire the best movers for your relocation

When moving into a high-rise apartment, make sure to ask your movers for the official free quote. That way you will make sure you don’t overspend on your moving expenses.

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