How to maximize storage unit space in Manhattan

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Storage units have become a major thing in the last few years. Moving companies have realized that people need them more and more. That is why every major city, like New York City, has plenty of storage units that you can use. Manhattan is a crowded space where the apartments can become too small in a short period of time. People need additional space where they will keep items that they do not need at the moment. If you are in this group, you are in luck. There are many Manhattan moving companies that can give you what you are looking for. However, you should also learn how to maximize storage unit space in Manhattan so that you could use even a smaller storage unit.

Using the right supplies will ‘increase’ the size of the storage unit

When you use the storage unit when you need more space at your home, there is a chance that you will take this lightly. Most people just pack all the items in bags and leave them in storage. However, this is not good because you will use less space in the unit than you would want to. Instead of big plastic bags, you should use moving boxes Manhattan has. They are better because they have the perfect space. It is easier to stack them in your storage unit so this is definitely a way to go.

Pick only the best boxes and get them from the right place

Getting regularly used boxes may not be the best option for you. It is all because you will probably use the storage unit for some time. This means that there is a chance that the conditions of the unit are going to change. Except if you are using a climate-controlled unit. Even in this case, you should use the right boxes. They need to be durable, fresh, and the right size so that you could utilize most of your storage space, not the other way around. You should always get your boxes from the companies in your area. For an affordable price, you do not have to worry whether something is going to be okay.

Stacked boxes in the room.
Using the right supplies is crucial if you want to maximize storage unit space in Manhattan.

Pack your clothes in vacuum bags

We have said that you should not use bags when storing at your storage in Manhattan. However, when it comes to clothes, it is actually a good idea. It is all because you will not use classic bags that will just take the space from you. Vacuum bags are a great way to utilize the maximum space of your storage. All you have to do is put the clothes in the bags and suck all the air out. This will make the bags much smaller and they will not take up as much space as they would the other way around.

Items should go vertical

If you want to maximize the storage unit space in Manhattan, you want to go vertical. A big problem with Manhattan is that everything is packed. The first thing that you will see here is tall buildings. There is not that much space. It is the same thing with storage facilities in Manhattan. That is why you should copy the building’s architecture and go higher.

What we mean is that you should go to the skies as much as you can. This includes putting one box on another. Of course, when doing this, it is vital to follow an important rule. Heavier boxes need to go to the bottom. If you go the other way around, there is a good chance that some of the boxes will crumble from the weight above. If you follow this rule, everything will be okay and you will have more space that you can use horizontally.

Stacked boxes in the storage unit.
Vertical is the way to go!

Why is it important to maximize the storage unit space in Manhattan?

A big problem with Manhattan is that there is a lack of space. This includes storage units too. This also means that the price will be somewhat different than the other, more affordable parts of the city. Also, for the smaller unit, you will have to pay more money. For example, the price of storage units in Manhattan usually goes $250-$1000+. Naturally, everything depends on the size of the unit. Starting from 50 square feet and up. This is why you want to make sure that you use as much space as you can when you are already paying for storage, even if you use the cheap storage Manhattan offers. There is no need for you to pay any more than what you already have.

Find the right storage unit in Manhattan

Before you get to maximize the use of the storage space, you have to find the right unit. Even if the unit is the right fit for your needs, there is a chance that it will change in the future. That is why it is hard to rent a storage unit, especially for the first time. However, here are some things to keep an eye on:

  • work only with reliable people
  • do not rent a storage unit blindly
  • always visit the storage facility
  • make sure it fits your needs
  • get the best price you can
A big storage unit space in Manhattan.
The right storage unit applies as well!


Manhattan is a big place where there is no room left to expand. That is why many storage units are not that big to start with. You want to do everything that you can in order to maximize storage unit space in Manhattan. Use it the best you can so that you could even save some money. Certainly, the most important thing to do in order to achieve this is packing. You now know how to pack everything and store it the right way. Of course, there is always room to use packing services NYC offers. Everything depends on you and what your current mood and will are. No matter which path you go, make sure that you have enough room for all the items that you want to store!

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