Tips for relocating to NYC as an aspiring artist

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New York City is a place where wonders happen. It is a place where you can become a whole new person. That is why many aspiring artists are relocating here in pursuit of better jobs and careers. However, it is not just about your wish to go here and make it. You need to make sure you prepare everything like proper residential movers NYC, a crib where you will live, a potential job for the first few weeks or months, etc. Here is everything that you need to know about relocating to NYC as an aspiring artist. Make sure you got everything and start your new life in the best way possible!

Know that the path is not going to be easy when moving to New York as an aspiring artist

Many people have an idealistic idea of New York City. That everything is going to work once they relocate. This is always a thing in movies but the reality is much more different. For everything to work in NYC, you have to do the work. That means that you need to be prepared that nothing is going to be the way you have imagined it to be. The world is going to be much harsher because there is more competition. When there is competition, there is always more room for failure. However, this should not have a big impact on you. New opportunities arrive every day, especially when you are an aspiring artist. The key thing here is to understand that it will not be easy but not to panic because there is something new for you every day!

a woman biting a pencil
You may have to work multiple jobs to pay the bills

Expensive real estate is a real thing

As we have mentioned before, moving to New York is not going to be easy. We do not think only about the actual move but everything that comes afterward. The first thing that you have to think about is real estate. The harsh reality of living in New York is the fact that you are going to pay a lot of money for your new home. Buying is almost never an option when you are an aspiring artist so you will have to think about renting. A median rental price is about 3000$ for a one-room apartment so you should be prepared for something like this. However, if everything starts to work for you, you should not worry anymore. But when you are new, you should be really careful about where you choose to live.

Do not rely only on your artistic career

When you are starting a new life in New York City, you have to know that it can be hard to pay all the bills as an aspiring artist. Relocating as one to NYC is hard so you may want to have a backup. What we mean is that you should not rely solely on your artistic abilities to pay the bills. You may want to have a job or two on the side so that you could pay your bills until you are able to pay for everything from your artistic career. Naturally, these side jobs can be something connected to your plans so you might want to think about this before actually moving to NYC.

A successful artistic career will not happen overnight

If you expect a successful career as soon as possible, then you should rethink moving here. This is a major problem for people because they think everything will be fine and they will adapt in no time. A problem with artistic pursuit is that years may pass until someone is fully interested in investing in your art. You should be prepared for this and not let your ego gets in the way. If you have high hopes and thoughts that everything will happen overnight, you may end up feeling blue and that is certainly not good for you!

a ticking clock
Be patient when trying to succeed in NYC

Where to move as an aspiring artist in New York City?

We all know how big NYC is so it can be a problem for many people to decide where they want to move. Manhattan is always a good option for artists because there are many opportunities you can use here. Inwood is one of the better places where you should try your luck. Naturally, everything depends on which kind of art we are talking about. If you decide to get here, make sure you find Inwood movers that will make sure your entire move goes without any setbacks and problems that could ruin the move entirely.

Make sure to handle relocating to NYC as an aspiring artist properly

Understanding all the potential problems when moving to New York as an artist is one thing. However, once you are fully committed to the move, you want to do it properly. You should know that moving to a major city, like NYC, can be problematic due to the nature of the city. Traffic jams and big crowds are always a potential problem. Also, not having where to park is an additional problem. However, you can handle this easier by having NYC moving company that will give you tips and do all the heavy lifting for you. But, how to know that you have reliable movers by your side?

  • check their work license
  • make sure they are not scammers
  • always ask for a free estimate before committing
  • make sure you get moving insurance with the company
  • check their previous work
a man helping with relocating to NYC as an aspiring artist
Let the professional people help you get to NYC


Talking just about the moving part can be a big problem. Everyone that is relocating to NYC as an aspiring artist needs to know what to expect and how to behave once they are in NYC. Also, they should know what they are moving into because life here is not easy for anyone. You have to know that the path to your success may be hard but that is no reason for you not to believe in yourself and your art. Have this in mind and we guarantee that you will find the success you are looking for!

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