How to soundproof thin walls in NYC?

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Most of the time people renovate and decorate their new homes once they move in. But next to the organizing, packing, and moving to New York, you must think about it beforehand. If you have the idea of changing your new environment, you should do it before moving in. It is far easier than doing any construction work while your items are all over the place. And most of the time people want to soundproof thin walls. It is a huge problem for most of us and today we will help you handle it like a pro. Let’s dive right in!

What kind of situation you are in?

The complexity of your moving project will affect your renovations greatly. If you have many pieces of furniture and even more belongings to pack and relocate, you must create an impeccable moving plan. Start by searching for reputable Inwood movers and work with them on your moving date, services, budget, and all other moving-related topics. Especially on the moving date. You must set this one in stone so you can schedule renovations at your new place.

two workers looking at walls
Do it yourself or let professionals inspect everything. Just make sure you have your renovation plan ready.

So, inspect your home, locate all items and furniture, create a moving checklist, and hire one of the NYC moving companies. Prepare everything well in advance so you can focus on the interior of your new home.

How will you benefit if you soundproof thin walls?

The answer to this question is a no-brainer. If you soundproof your walls you will benefit on all fronts. Firstly, your home will be warmer and you will spend less energy keeping it that way. So, this is automatically improving your yearly home budget. Then, the obvious reason is to shield yourself from the noisy neighbors. And to keep them out of your conversations as well. So, when you draw the line, if you soundproof your walls, you will have a nice and quiet environment. Free of all the commotion coming from the outside. There will be no more noisy neighbors that tend to wake you up at night for no particular reason.

Your furniture can help a lot

We will start with some odd advice. Something people do not know most of the time is that your furniture can block noise entirely. Yes, some pieces of furniture can serve as a buffer between the wall and your ears. The best example is big wardrobes full of clothing. When you think about it, you’ll realize there are multiple layers of clothing, metal, wood, and plastic that will dampen the noise completely. Of course, some furniture works better than others. But we are sure you have a few pieces in your home that can serve well. Even if you push your sofa against the wall you’ll achieve similar results. As for the higher areas near the ceiling, the solutions are hanging potted plants, paintings, or wallpaper. Wallpaper is not so famous because it covers the entire wall.

room with furniture
Your bookshelf and wardrobe can be a great buffer. Use your furniture wisely.

Although, if you introduce a nature-themed wallpaper, it can look quite good inside your home. Especially if you blend similarly styled and colored furniture into it. So, if this idea is ok for you, remember to instruct your local movers Manhattan to place bigger pieces of furniture against the wall right away. This way you’ll avoid doing this by yourself and risking damaging your property and the furniture in question.

You can soundproof thin walls by yourself easily

Next to the furniture solutions, we have just explained, there are several more that might interest you. And what is important, you can make it a DIY project easily. To soundproof thin walls, you do not have to spend a fortune because it can be done on a budget. Firstly, you must inspect your walls to figure out if there are any holes and cracks. They can hide behind the wallpaper or a piece of furniture that was already there when you moved in. So, a thorough inspection is something you must do. Once you locate all the imperfections, use concrete or foam to fill those gaps. This is not rocket science and everyone can do it. Although, if you want it to look perfect, you should hire a professional to do it instead.

Other solutions for soundproofing are to introduce acoustic panels, soundproof blankets, curtains, or vinyl materials and objects. Those can serve you in the same way as the furniture does. Remember, all items that stand in the way of the soundwave will dampen the noise coming from the outside.

Absorbent materials and drywall

Obviously, you want to create a nice, cozy, and quiet environment inside your home. Although, you still want to hear what is going on outside. But no one likes hearing their neighbors arguing or when they famously drop a bowling ball on the floor. Yes, you can create a soundproof environment like the one you have in a music studio. But that is not the point unless you are playing an instrument. In that case, one fully soundproof room is enough. So, you should find a healthy balance and soundproof thin walls up to extend.

soundproof thin walls by adding a layer of drywall
There is always a more sophisticated solution out there as long as you have the budget for it.

Now, to do it right, the best way is to create drywall. Apply several layers of drywall and you will solve all your noisy problems. If you do not know how to do it, any construction company or contractor can jump in and do it for you. Or you can simply purchase acoustic foam panels as they are one of the best absorbent solutions for this situation. Check out the nearest home depot or hardware store and you’ll find everything we have mentioned today.

Remodeling and renovating

Remember, this is the perfect moment to renovate, remodel, or introduce new pieces of furniture into your home. Yes, we are talking about the furniture that can cover entire walls and keep unwanted sounds at bay. Big wardrobes home safe, aquariums, paintings, statues, plants, you name it. Whatever can stand in the way of the sound waves you should use it. As for renovating, now when you are moving in, it is far easier to tear down a wall than when you have all your items unpacked. So, if you intend on applying drywall, isolating walls with foam, or splitting a room in two, now is the time.

Of course, while doing it, you can work with professionals to advise you on how to keep the unwanted sound away. A few minor changes can make a big difference. So, make sure to consult with professionals before you start hammering around the place.

Now you know how to soundproof thin walls. As you can see, there are many solutions to mitigate the damage. But if you want to isolate yourself completely, you can soundproof your doors, windows, and walls, and remove any outside noises from the equation. Whatever you are comfortable with the most. Hopefully, we gave you a few ideas on how to do it right. Good luck!


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