The do’s and don’ts of living in Manhattan

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When you move to a new city, everything will be new to you. Even if you researched and read every blog and page about a certain place, you won’t know how it is until you live there. New York City is no different. This huge, magnificent city needs to be experienced. If you have recently become part of the Big Apple by moving there with the help of some reliable movers NYC, it will take time to fit in. To do so, we have put together this guide on the dos and don’ts of living in Manhattan.

The do’s of living in Manhattan

Moving to a city this big will mean a drastic change if you came from a small town with the assistance of some local movers Manhattan. Some of the most important things to do will be listed below.

Your budget probably needs a change

You probably know that living in Manhattan screams expensive. The chances are high that your budget needs a drastic change. In a small town in Mississippi, you would need $48,000 a year to live comfortably as a family. For the same lifestyle, you would need $93,000. The most significant expenses in this city are:

  • Childcare
  • Insurance
  • Housing
Picture of dollar bills
Sort out your budget.

Work at your pace

In New York, in Manhattan especially, people walk fast. This is no place for a slow-paced person. The residents of this city have the lowest obesity rate in the state, probably because they walk so fast. If you are thinking about moving to Manhattan, think about whether this is right for you.

The don’ts of living in Manhattan

Truth be told, as a newcomer, you will probably do these things. But hey, mistakes happen, it is normal. With time you will get used to the things that you are not supposed to do.

Don’t stand in the middle of the sidewalk

Continuing onto the talk about the fast walking pace of these people, imagine that they get blocked by a newcomer on the sidewalk. People in Manhattan get to see a lot of tourists who are sightseeing, blocking the sidewalk, while they are in a hurry trying to get to work. Don’t be that person. If you want to stop and do something, move to the side.

Don’t try to save money on the subway

It might seem tempting to save some money after you finished moving with long distance movers NYC, but the subway is not the right way. Jumping over the turnstiles might seem like a good idea if no one is at the entrance, but it can turn out quite expensive. The fine is $100 and you can even spend a night in jail. Trust us, it is not worth saving $2,75.

Picture of a train
Don’t risk ending up in jail for $2,75

Conclusion on the do’s and don’ts of living in Manhattan

Even though these are some of the most important things to remember when you start living in Manhattan, there are many others. With time, you will get to know your new neighborhood and the customs that people follow there. We wish you good luck and an easy time fitting in!


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