How to childproof your long distance move from NYC?

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When moving, you are in a rush. Pressed for time, you try to finish all the things that need to be done before moving. Everything is a mess and your items are in boxes. It is a weird and inconvenient time even for you. Imagine how it is for your kids. Depending on their age, they are going through developmental leaps that they don’t know how to deal with on their own. This makes them have mixed emotions that are difficult to process. Now imagine adding moving to that mix. For kids, this means that their whole world is about to change, and they will be anxious as a normal response to it. To ease your and your kid’s anxiety, we recommend hiring some reliable movers NYC. You will also have to childproof your long distance move from NYC to protect your kids. This short guide will teach you the basics of a safe relocation with kids.

How to childproof your long distance move from NYC?

When you childproof your long distance move from NYC it will both give you peace of mind and keep your kids safe. There are many ways you can do this, but we will list you the most efficient ways. The most efficient movers you can find for your move are cross country movers NYC. Some of our best tips are:

  • Keep up your kid’s routine
  • Put dangerous items out of reach
  • Make the best use of distraction

Keep up your kid’s regular routine

If your kids don’t already have a setup routine, you shouldn’t bother doing it now, since there will be no use. But if they have a certain time for doing things during the day, you should keep it up. Routine makes life with kids much easier, and it will also ease your move. To further ease your moving experience, we recommend hiring long distance movers NYC. There are many tasks to complete during a move, but you still need to pay attention to your kids. If you have introduced solids, be the one that prepares the food or feeds them. Also, try to be the one that does the bedtime routine and included small rituals. This bit of one-to-one time during the day will work wonders in keeping at least a little consistency in their life.

Person holding a sleeping baby
Keeping up your kids’ routine is key during a move

Put dangerous items out of reach

This one goes for every day, not just when moving. But with everything out of its place and packed in boxes for bringing to storage facilities in Manhattan, it will be easy for those small hands to grab something dangerous. Kids are curious, especially about those forbidden things that we tell them not to touch. For that reason, keep items like cables, scissors, and knives out of reach.

Make the best use of distraction

While trying to do so many things at once, we can easily overlook some childproofing basics. To avoid possible problems, try to make another arrangement for your kids on moving day. Don’t say no if someone offers you help. You can bring them to their grandparent, a friend you trust or even organize a sleepover if they have an appropriate age for that. Newborns and babies younger than 6 months are relatively unbothered by a move since they sleep so much during 24 hours.

Senior people taking care of kids
Don’t say no to help

Conclusion on how to childproof your long distance move from NYC

Moving is a difficult task to complete, and moving with kids makes it that much more difficult. But what has to be done has to be done, you can only try to ease it for yourself. We hope that our guide on how to childproof your long distance move from NYC has given you some valuable information. We wish you good luck and a safe move!


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