Cross country moving tips to consider

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Relocating long-distance can be a complicated and quite tiring endeavor. In addition, numerous logistical challenges may come up and make you want to give up the move and postpone it for some other time. However, the good news is – you can turn cross-country move into a fun journey once you organize properly. That’s why we at Heart Moving Manhattan collected cross country moving tips that might significantly help you with the entire moving endeavor. Over the years of successful work, we learned how to assess each customer’s preferences and therefore improve our service quality. So wait no more, and contact us at your earlier convenience to get a free moving quote.

The best cross country moving tip one could get is to research the company first

Choosing the right team for your move is the biggest step towards a successful relocation. Once you have a capable crew at your disposal, the rest of the endeavor will go smoothly. Also, you will feel much more at ease. Therefore, take as much time as you need to browse and research some of the most cross country movers NYC residents speak highly about. Do the background check to make sure you are dealing with legit movers. Also, ask people you know about the movers that handled their previous relocations. A friend or family member’s recommendation is often more reliable.

a pair of hands searching on a laptop cross country moving tips
Researching the company is one of the most important cross country moving tips you will get.

Create a list of movers and communicate all important matters with them

Make a list of at least five or six fully licensed long distance movers NYC, and cross-compare the following:

  • Service quality – The best indicator of service quality is the company’s testimonial section. Check also social media groups, Yelp, and other public platforms, besides the website.
  • Price points – Although the price doesn’t necessarily speak of the service quality, it’s best when you get excellent service at an affordable price. Just be careful not to settle for too low-priced moving services, since it’s very likely to be unpleasantly surprised. Likewise, ridiculously expensive moving services don’t mean the moving crew will go the extra mile to properly execute each moving task.

It’s important to note that a free estimation is something any top-level professional company provides. Therefore, there’s no need to waste time on companies that don’t include a free quote. Otherwise, you risk going above your estimated moving budget. Hidden fees are often the issue with companies that aren’t completely transparent with their clients. If you notice that a company is disclosing important information, move on with your search.

One of the most important cross country moving tips is learning about your moving rights

As a customer, you have a set of rights and responsibilities. Before you sign any moving deal, make sure to learn about the rights you have. It’s in your best interest to avoid shady schemes that often seem legit at first sight.  The more you are informed, the easier it is to recognize such companies that usually don’t have your best interest at heart.

a person going through a contract
Don’t skip on reading about your rights as a customer.

Cross-country moves require additional services

It’s not possible to handle cross-country move all by yourself. Besides the professional team of movers, you will also need packing services. Moreover, you will make good use of storage facilities in Manhattan and keep your belongings safe and sound. However, make sure you are renting the right size of storage. There’s no need to pay extra cost for additional space you won’t be using. Also, don’t settle for less than climate-controlled conditions that keep even the most sensitive items in a good state.

Quality relocation supplies are much-needed when moving cross country. You won’t be worrying once you get a hold of moving boxes Manhattan top-level companies provide. It’s more likely to obtain quality moving supplies at a professional and trustworthy moving company. Plus, this often ends up as a much more cost-effective option.

Full-service movers are a time-saving solution

If you have no intention to search for moving services at different places, then opt for full-service movers. Not only will they move you across the country, but also provide any service you might need. However, make sure to verify all information about the movers and check if the service quality is worth the coin.

Packing is among the top cross country moving tips as well

You may wonder “Why is packing that important?”. First of all, you will want to ensure the items are safe for the duration of the move. That means each object requires a specific packing technique. For example, you can’t pack kitchen appliances and artwork the same way and call it a day. That is why professional packing help comes in handy during preparations for a cross-country move.

a person packing glass vase
Professional packers will take care of your items.

Pack essentials first

Before you deal with bulky furniture and other heavier items, start with essential:

  • personal documents
  • wallet 
  • keys
  • basic toiletries
  • a roll of toilet paper
  • sanitizing hand gel
  • medications
  • spare comfortable clothes
  • snacks and water

Put them into a special essentials bag you will keep close to you. Also, ensure you don’t but the bag inside a moving truck or storage by mistake.

Label each moving box

Every list of cross country moving tips has something in common – labeling the boxes for better coordination of your moving day. It’s not enough to pack and seal the boxes or plastic containers. The trouble arises when you need something urgently and don’t know where to find it. Therefore, avoid searching through a bunch of boxes and causing a mess. Instead, make sure to label the boxes and containers right after packing. Write specifically what’s inside each of them.. Additionally, your chosen moving crew will have an idea of what’s inside them and be more careful. Plus, it’ll be easier for you to coordinate the moving day and remind the movers which box contains sensitive items, for example.

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