The reality of living as an expat in NYC

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It is a dream of many to live in the “Big Apple”. But what some people do not understand is that NYC is quite different from most other cities, especially if you are an expat. Living as an expat in NYC can be quite complicated at times, and comes with a lot of advantages and disadvantages. That is why Heart Moving Manhattan has prepared an article for you that may help you decide whether relocation is in your best interest. We will go through some of the things that expats really like (and dislike) about the city of New York.

Living as an expat in NYC – What can you expect?

First of all, you need to understand that there are more than 8.5 million people living in NYC. That is a truly astonishing number for a city, and rivals (and exceeds) some countries! Needless to say, you can expect to find just about anything in the Big Apple, from moving boxes Manhattan, to any gadget you can think of. You can enjoy cuisine from all across the world, enjoy cultural events, and much more.

Here are some additional facts that might interest you:

  • NYC’s median home value is around $606,000
  • The median rent is about $1,500
  • The household median income is almost $64,000
  • Oysters were so popular in NYC in the 19th century that Pearl Street was paved with shells.
  • The NYC’s borough of Brooklyn, if it was a city of its own, would be the 4th largest in the US.
a trolley with backpacks
Before you pack and prepare for the relocation, find out if it is the right thing for you.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at what you might like/dislike about living in NYC as an expat.

The things that most expats love about New York City

The main reasons why people choose to reside in NYC are career opportunities and a multitude of tourist attractions. They are why you need to book your cross country movers NYC well before the moving date. But that is not everything. Most expats really enjoy the weather in NYC, as it features all four seasons. While the winter might be very cold, the summer is quite warm and the city really blooms in that period.

Lastly, everything you need is 5-10 minutes away. Sometimes even closer.

The things that expats dislike about NYC


While there are a lot of things to love about NYC, some things are far from ideal. Most of the people who relocate with the help of Upper Manhattan Movers are going to notice the additional expenses. Everything is a lot more expensive in NYC. That is something that you will simply have to adapt to.

calculator, representing one of the larger downsides of living as an expat in NYC: expenses
Life in NYC can be prohibitively expensive.


Then there’s the housing situation. It is almost impossible to find affordable housing in the city, and people are forced to downsize or get a roommate or two. While you can find decent storage facilities in Manhattan, that still does not completely remedy the fact that you are going to spend a large chunk of your monthly income on housing alone.

And then there are the crowds. And traffic. There’s always congestion in the city of New York, and that can be pretty frustrating for someone that has not gotten used to it. Living as an expat in NYC can be extremely rewarding but it comes with a set of unique challenges as well. You better be prepared for them!

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