Guide to storing furniture in Manhattan

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Having to store furniture in the storage unit is a nightmare for most people. Even though furniture nowadays is much lighter, it does not mean that it is light. Manhattan is one of the most popular places in the world, not just in the US. That means that you can find a storage unit easily. But, due to the fact that Manhattan is overcrowded, we can say that doing this is a much harder task than in some smaller place. That is why we wanted to help you with storing furniture in Manhattan. Of course, before doing this, you will have to find Manhattan storage that you can use. After that, start your process and store the furniture safely!

Pick a storage unit that suits your needs best

As we have said, before you start storing your furniture in a Manhattan storage unit, you will have to find one first. It sounds like an easy job but there are many variables that you have to consider.

  • Size – Furniture is not small so you will have to find a storage unit that can fit everything. You will have to do a thorough calculation because you do not want to make a mistake here. You want everything to be precise because you will have a lot of problems if you miss something.
  • Distance – Since you are moving heavy and bulky stuff, it is important to pick the right location. Even though it may sound contradictory, but you want a place where there is no crowd. Or at least where there are fewer people.
  • Price – As you may think, the prices of the storage units in Manhattan are much higher than in the rest of the country. If you are just moving to New York, it can be a big difference. That is why having information is important. Do not take this lightly because you will have to make monthly payments.
a man holding his hands - storing furniture in Manhattan
Do not make rushed decisions when picking a storage unit

Store only clean furniture

Many people make the mistake of storing dusty furniture. It may not sound like a problem but it can be, especially if you do not check the unit regularly. It can lead to mold and that is not something that you want to experience. The biggest problem here is the food and crumbles that can be on the furniture. It can also attract pests and they could make a lot of mess. So, if you want to avoid this, be sure to clean the furniture before you start storing it in your storage unit in Manhattan.

a hand holding a cleaning product
Clean the furniture before storing

Disassemble the furniture if needed

When storing furniture in Manhattan, you want to have everything covered. One of the things that can make this job much easier is if you make everything simpler. You will do this by disassembling the furniture you want to store. You will not have to do this for every piece of furniture that you want to store. Do it for easier pieces like tables, desks, chairs, shelves, etc. You will save some room that you can use for other items. As we have mentioned, prices are higher than in most places so you probably want to save some room.

Elevate the furniture

If you rent a regular storage unit, we advise you to do this. It is because the conditions are not regulated and they may fluctuate. That means that there could be moisture and as we all know, moisture is the killer for the wood. The highest amount of moisture is usually on the floor. That means that your furniture is susceptible to this. The best way to avoid this is to buy and use pallets where you can place the furniture and therefore, elevate it. They are not expensive so you should not have problems with this task.

Protect the furniture if you want to store it properly

You are not done. You now have to protect your furniture. It will not require too much as you may think. But, it is vital that you do this because your furniture can get damaged over time. As we have mentioned, if you do not rent a climate-controlled storage unit, you should know that you have to be more careful with items that are more susceptible to certain conditions.

In order to do this, you should use cloths, old sheets, plastic covers and place them over the furniture. The biggest mistake would be if you tried to tape them. It would trap the moisture and your furniture would get damaged from the inside. It would expand and it would get ruined. You should just place these things on the top and finish with it.

Consider climate-controlled storage unit in Manhattan when storing furniture

If you want to be extra safe when placing your furniture in the Manhattan storage unit, you should consider renting a climate-controlled one. These are special units where the conditions are controlled and therefore, they eliminate some factors that could damage your belongings. There are many Chinatown movers that you can contact and try your luck with. It is vital that you are 100% sure that you have got the right deal. After that, packing your furniture for storing should be easier.

a storage facility
Choose a climate-controlled unit for your furniture


Even though people think that storing furniture in Manhattan is pretty hard, we can say that it does not have to be. Of course, it will not be a piece of cake but you can make it easier. You just need to organize and focus and you can handle everything. The most important thing here is protection! Your goal is to protect your furniture and therefore, save it for some other time. Or you may want to sell it. With our advice and help, you can be sure that your furniture will survive the expedition. You should just get a storage unit from reliable movers, like Heart Moving Manhattan NYC where you can be sure that your items will survive storing. After that, be sure to follow the tips in this article and you should be able to preserve your furniture in the same condition as before!


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