What to do with pets on moving day

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Relocation is a very stressful period for us. Furthermore, this process will also be quite stressful for your pet. The chaos and mess that will be in your apartment for those couple of days or weeks is not something neither you nor your pet will be happy about. However, you will have a plethora of obligations during this period. Having to jump over your pet as you carry heavy items is not a good thing to do. That is why we talk about solutions for your pets on moving day and how to make it work for both of you. If you have issues with moving, we advise relying on professionals, like Heart Moving Manhattan NYC, to help you relocate with ease.

What should you do with pets on moving day?

Having a pet is always something that will cheer you up and make you happy. However, during the period of relocation, this might not be the case. With your head wrapped around a thousand things, your pet might become more of an issue than a sight to look forward to. Of course, no one says that pets are to blame for this. They just want to keep you company and continue with their regular daytime play around the house.

two cats laying next to each other representing pets on moving day
The playfulness of your pets while packing can slow you down and cause some serious issues

Furthermore, this can cause you to make mistakes or trip over them. Once you become stressed, your pet will most likely pick up on that emotion and suffer stress itself. Therefore, here is what you should do then:

  • Move your pet to your friends or family house until everything is ready
  • Take the pet for a veterinarian exam
  • Prepare your pet for the road

Move your pet to your friends or family house until everything is ready

If you want to have a quick and precise preparation for the move, you should consider getting your pet out of the house for a while. Pets on moving day can slow you down and restrain you from giving those last 100% of your time and energy. Therefore, you should consider taking your pet to your friends or family for a couple of days. More importantly, you should take your pet to a friend or family member that the pet is familiar with. This is so interstate movers NYC can come in quick and finish their job of loading the items into the truck.

Take the pet for a veterinarian check

To have your pets on moving day fully ready for the relocation you need to take them to the vet. The vet should do a regular checkup to make sure your pet is healthy and ready for the move.

veterinarian examining a dog while a woman is holding him
Do the regular checkup to ensure your pet can leave the state and enter a different one

Moreover, if you are, for example, moving to New York, your vet will tell you whether or not the pet can cross the state border due to regulations.

Preparing pets on moving day: Getting ready for the road

Financial District movers, as well as other moving companies, will not allow pets inside the moving truck. This means that the pet has to go with you. You need to prepare things like water, snacks, leashes, and pet cages for the road. This is to ensure your pet has everything they need and ensure that they are fully content.

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