Buying a fixer-upper in Manhattan

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Buying a house or even a small apartment in Manhattan is extremely expensive. For this reason, in order to get more square footage or to own a house at your preferred location in Manhattan, you might need to purchase a fixer-upper. What exactly is a fixer-upper? It is usually a place that is not in the best condition so you need to renovate it after your purchase. Because of this, they are usually more affordable than other apartments or houses in the area. Before you start preparing your location with Manhattan movers, here are all the things you should know about buying a fixer-upper in Manhattan. 

Check the building’s requirements before renovation 

Even though you might have plans to renovate, they might not be possible due to the buildings’ requirements. For this reason, before you make any purchase, make sure to get all the necessary permits. You can ask someone living in the building to give you the contact information of the person in the charge of the building. On the other hand, if you plan to move to a single-family house or a townhouse, you might be able to avoid getting permission if the renovation is only concentrated on the interior of the house. In any case, make sure to get all the information before hiring cross country movers NYC. 

In addition to this, you should be careful when choosing your fixer-upper. Sometimes, you might need to hire more professionals than just Upper Manhattan movers. Usually, these would include the following. 

  • A real estate agent 
  • General contractor 
  • Real estate attorney 
  • An architect 

Do not forget to do the home inspection as well so you can see if it would be profitable to purchase the property. 

person talking on the phone
Talk with people in charge before buying a property

Be realistic when buying a fixer-upper in Manhattan 

It is extremely important to be patient when buying any property in Manhattan. As mentioned, it is extremely expensive to purchase a house or apartment in this part of NYC. For this reason, you need to wait to get a good deal. Usually, you might need to wait between six and nine months. If you are short on time, then, it would be smart to hire a real estate agent. They usually know all the places that should meet your requirements. 

In addition to this, you need to set up your budget. It is easy to spend more than first planned when renovating a house. For this reason, have a plan before doing any renovation, even the smallest one. It is also important to be realistic. You can go for minimalist interior design for your new Manhattan place. 

brush and paint
Be ready to renovate your new home

Red flags to look for 

When buying a fixer-upper in Manhattan, watch out for the following red flags. First, anything that has serious structural damage should be avoided. Then, places with mold and asbestos should be marked off from your list as well. Lastly, if it is difficult to get permits, then it would be best to buy another property. 

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