Pros and cons of moving and living on your own

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Moving and living on your own is a big step. Some people do this later in life, others earlier. It is all about how you feel and if you are ready to make this giant step. There comes the time in every person’s life when you feel that you need to be more independent and that means that moving and living on your own is the next logical step. This is a change that everyone needs in their life sooner or later. If you are moving to Manhattan, be ready for a lot of challenges. This is a city that can make you or break you. So, let’s see some of the pros and cons of moving and living on your own.

Advantages of moving and living on your own

There are definitely a lot of pro reasons for living on your own. Especially if you are now in your early twenties. Now is the time! Of course, there is one very important thing if you decide to do this. You need to find a job. So, before you say goodbye to your parents, roommates, or whoever you are living with right now, try to find a job that will pay your rent and other costs that independent life brings with itself. It is not cheap to rent an apartment in New York, none the less in Manhattan, as this is the most expensive borough to live in out of five.

girl reading a book
You will be able to enjoy your peace and quiet

This is definitely something you must do before you start looking for a place to rent. Finding a job is the first step you have to make in order to have the luxury of being independent. It is not about having an apartment that your parents are paying. It is about being brave enough to start your own life, under your rules. The only way for you to do that is to have a job.

Moving and living on your own – additional benefits

There is one huge pro reason for moving and living on your own. Yes, you have to take care of your money more than you have ever before, and yes, you will feel that you have less money than ever before, but, living alone means that you can invite your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, whoever you want, whenever you want without asking anyone. Why? Because you are living alone, and you do not owe anyone any explanation. If you feel like having a party, go for it.

a book and a cup of coffee
You will finally become your own person

What are the cons of living on your own?

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages of living on your own. The first con reason is that you will have to take care of yourself, and that is it. Yes, you can always ask for help from your parents, friends, etc., but that is not what independence is about. So, you have to be very sure about doing this. Another con reason is that you may feel alone at times. Some people are recognizing this as another advantage of living alone, others recognize this as a sad situation. It all depends on what type of person you are. Do you enjoy always having someone to talk to, or do you enjoy some alone time? Either way, NYC moving will help you realize what type of person you are if you weren’t sure so far.

More con reasons…

When you are moving to live on your own, you have to take care and provide for yourself. That is why you must create an inventory list, so you don’t forget anything. This is important because you will be living on your own, so get used to it. Another con reason for this is that when you have a roommate you can share chores. However, when you live alone you have to:

  • cook for yourself
  • clean alone
  • pay rent alone
  • watch movies alone (not all the time of course)

These are the things that independence brings. So, if you feel that these con reasons are not enough to stop you, go for it. It is definitely a huge step towards a great future.

girl siting alone
Living alone is a perfect opportunity to challenge yourself

Making your own arrangements

If you are younger, this means that you are maybe eighteen, it may be too early for you to do this. On the other hand, if you are off to college, this may be an interesting new beginning for you. Another great option at this age is to have a roommate. Having a roommate while in college is important when it comes to making friendships. Also, it is really fun. If you are done with college and thinking about moving back to your parents from your college dorm or from the apartment you were sharing with a roommate, well, think twice.

This is the best time to go and live alone. You have the appropriate age to do that and the experience of living away from your parents. It will be easy for you to get used to living on your own in no time. So, there you go, depending on how old you are and how ready you are feeling, try to decide.

Moving and living on your own is something that everybody should experience. That is what the twenties are for. To get to know and challenge yourself. By getting independence at an early age you are making a great path for your future. Everything is easier later, once you have lived alone, and you know that you can survive all by yourself. So, yes, at the end of the day it is important to do this at one point in your life. It will make you stronger, braver and more confident about everything that comes in the future.

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