Downsides of friends relocating you around NYC

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Relocation can be quite expensive, so it is reasonable that we are trying to save a little money on every corner. The most effective way to save is to have your friends helping you to move. You will probably save on packing and relocating some items with friend’s help, but make sure to understand the downsides of friends relocating you. 

Ways to save money on the NYC relocation

Living in New York can be expensive, as we are all aware. Another downside is that you probably had to move a lot in the last period. If you are living in a rent-controlled place, then good for you. Mostly, people are relocating often in search of a better, bigger apartment or more affordable rent. In this situation, you must learn to save as much as you can. Asking friends to help us relocate is one way to save. Maybe you could explore a bit Clinton moving company services and try to find the one that is affordable. Having professional movers helping you is smart if you have large or bulky furniture. 

Another way is to use recyclable packing material or to reuse them. Packing is a big expense, once you sum up everything you are using.

However, you might think you found an excellent way to save, but you need to be aware of the downsides of friends relocating you.

If you move a lot, you could rent Manhattan storage units and store everything you need but don’t use frequently. It will save you time on packing and transportation every time you have to relocate.

Consider all downsides of friends relocating you

Have you ever heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions? You’ve probably forgotten about it. Maybe it sounds a little harsh, but there is truth in this. Budget is certainly an upside to having your friends help you, but there is a reason why you should hire professional movers. 

Downsides of friends relocating you are:

  • Lack of equipment
  • Lack of training and experience
  • Risk of damage without proper insurance
  • Longer time for moving
  • Possible injuries

You might need professional equipment

Moving is easy for those who only have to take clothes and few more things. When you have large furniture that you need to handle, antique pieces or simply a lot of belongings, you will probably need equipment. Movers have equipment for assembling furniture, carrying and loading into a truck. Besides the equipment, they spend time in learning to use the equipment.

Robust and bulky furniture is particularly difficult for handling. Living in an apartment building is another obstacle. This means you would have to carry it to the elevator, up or down the stairs. Don’t forget to include those narrow hallways and corners with no room.

Large dinning table with chairs
Large furniture requires experience and equipment for transport, which most of our friends probably don’t have

Friends can be of great help for simple and small moves. Downsides of friends relocating you are especially significant in cases like those mentioned above. If you hire movers, you will save yourself from trouble and save time as well.

Training and experience are important

Don’t get us wrong, it is excellent to have friends willing to help you move. Assuming that they are not experienced professionals, you will have a hard time. Of course, it is not impossible to relocate without professional help, it just lasts longer and it is harder and stressful. You can’t exactly be a boss to your friends, remember you don’t pay them to help you. 

Moving requires a lot of planning and experience in certain complicated situations. Downsides of friends relocating you around NYC are also traffic, parking, carrying and handling all things that experienced movers are used to and know how to react. 

Moving companies liability

Unfortunately, during almost every relocation unexpected problems happen. Things get lost, damaged or break. Sometimes somebody gets hurt. 

When you hire movers to relocate, they are usually responsible for any damages during a move. You can hire experienced movers, but accidents can happen anyways. Mover’s liability is not the same thing as insurance. You should know what to expect if your belongings are damaged. A moving company usually gives you reimbursement in these situations. 

The downside of friends relocating you is a lack of liability. If something gets lost or damaged, that’s it. There are no reimbursements. 

You can get insurance before you move, just in case. Especially if you have valuable belongings.

Friends will need more time to move you

Movers are trained for this job. It is perfectly reasonable that they will pack and move faster than you and your friends. 

Clock shows time
Moving without professional help will take much more of your time.

If you are hiring a packing service, they will know in advance exactly how long to pack your entire home. Usually, movers manage to pack a one-bedroom apartment in two to four hours, two-bedroom apartments for four to six hours. Anyway, a fast-packing service can pack you in one day. If you are doing this on your own, you will need a day for a single room. Packing sometimes lasts the whole week.

Somebody can get hurt

This is maybe the biggest reason for you to go for professional movers. When friends are helping you to relocate, expect a lot of improvisations. Without experience and the right kind of equipment, it is not only harder to handle things but there is more risk of getting hurt.

Injured hand as main downsides of friends relocating you
Potential injuries, big or small, are the main downsides of friends relocating you

Accidents indeed happen all the time, especially if you are living in an apartment that is difficult to approach. Numerous things could be a reason for this: narrow halls, staircases, no elevator, or any other obstacle. If you are still set on getting your friends to help, at least prepare and try to prevent possible injuries. Reconsider your budget and maybe supply with additional equipment that will help you to carry furniture. 

If you still want to move with the help of your friends and you have already considered all the downsides of friends relocating you, make a detailed plan of a move and try to anticipate and prevent possible problems.

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